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Compositions That Work, Nov 8-10

Andrew Denman

November 8, 9, 10 Friday, Saturday, Sunday

9:00 am – 3:00 pm

$165 museum members/$215 nonmembers


No single aspect of any painting or drawing is as central to its success as a good composition. Join artist Andrew Denman for an in-depth and practical exploration of this most vital and nuanced of topics. We’ll study the compositions of great paintings, constructively critique our own work, and engage in a variety of drawing exercises designed to hone the compositional eye, including quick still-life studies, sketching outdoors, and more developed studio drawings. Learn what to edit out of your reference material, and how to combine multiple references into a cohesive whole. Discover the rules of composition…and how and when to break them!

Compositions That Work, Nov 8-10

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